“Andrea taught me three things: The law ain’t just for rich people; all women don’t just follow the rules; and some women fight harder for right then men. Andrea is one in a million and she filled my heart up and gave me a soul when I was heartless and merciless. So if this book does anything, it shows that there are more women like her out there and us poor people are all the richer for it.”
Robert Langford, Former Client

“Andrea Lyon is unsurpassed in her trial skills, judgment, and ability to communicate. Uninformed lawyers think of Andrea as a criminal practitioner, perhaps because she was a public defender for some time in her career. She has been a law professor, dean, appellate lawyer, civil and criminal advocate. But what she really is: fearless, loyal, and relentless in everything she does. I consult more with her than anyone else I would turn to. If you have any questions, feel free to call me”
Roger Dodd, esq. Dodd & Burnham

“Andrea has done it again. This time, she invites readers into the fascinating lives and work of nine women who have made careers for themselves as criminal defense lawyers, as well as her own life and work. The raw and honest window into the diverse and growing ranks of women who chose the noble path of standing beside and defending those accused of a crime is a very special book indeed. The challenges of service as a criminal defense lawyer are formidable. In The Feminine Sixth: Women for the Defense, Andrea tells the story of these incredible defense lawyers with the insight and sensitivity that one has come to expect from this towering figure in the profession.”
Sister Helen Prejean, Author Dead Man Walking

“Andrea is one of America’s greatest criminal defense attorneys. Her skills in the courtroom are only matched by her commitment to teaching and training new generations of lawyers. This wonderful book is a must read.”
Bryan Stevenson, Founder Of The Equal Justice Initiative

“Lyon, a nationally recognized expert on death-penalty defense, is tough, smart, competitive, creative, charismatic, intimidating, passionate, unrelenting and absolutely committed to keeping her clients alive.”
Cheryl Lavin, Tribune Staff Writer

“Criminal attorneys, he [Dengel] says, sometimes need to maintain distance from their clients. But not Lyon. “She deals with our client as a person, she works with him, she relates to him. She cares very deeply about him as a human being in a terrible situation.”